Handel Group

Change Your Tagline, Change Your Life with JCC

All of us, consciously or unconsciously, label ourselves with catch phrases, or what we call at HG “taglines.” This is true in both our personal and work life, when we’re at home, on Zoom,, lying in bed, or staring into the mirror and/or refrigerator.  From “I got this” to “What’s that tickle in my throat?”  to “‘I’m a genius” to “They’re sucking me dry.” In any area or relationship in your life where you’re thriving, proud, and inspired, you more than likely have positive taglines. And, yes, in any area or relationship where you’re on shaky ground, you may have a negative tagline.

The truth is, we conjure up taglines and live into them all of the time as if they were, without question, THE truth. Unbeknownst to us (until now), our taglines could have been conjured by us back when we were 8 years old OR as recently as last week. The problem is, these life-coloring taglines are not only unconsciously perpetuated by us, they inform what we think, what comes out of our mouths, and what actions we take or don’t take.

You’ll learn how to:

Ready? Tag, you’re it.