Handel Group

Please Say Thank You

It’s the beginning of a new year, at least in my world, and that’s always time for reflection. At the moment, I am overwhelmed with gratitude. I lead teleseminars, courses and retreats frequently and I am able to pierce through people’s blockages and help them see that they can create dreams where in the past there was no hope. It hit me today (again) that it’s because I did that for myself first (and continue to work on myself too.) I feel so grateful for the guidance, support and coaching I have received that helped me: fall in love with my body, be an effective parent, save my marriage and make it great, reconnect to my parents and brother, succeed in business, follow my career dream, pursue leadership roles in the world, and more. 
Lauren Zander, you are a genius and my hero. I have fought you. In fact almost every time you offer me a new horizon to swim towards, I fight you. But you don’t give up. You see my dream for me before I do. So far, you have not been wrong and it has been many years. Thank you.
As you can tell, I am feeling very grateful for my life and my coach Lauren Zander (co-founder of The Handel Group) but there are so many more things, too. Please start your new (school, Jewish, harvest) year with gratitude and make your list, too. Remember to include everything you’ve learned, everything that’s great about you and all the people, places and things that contributed to your awesome-ness. Warning, if you’re in a surly mood and you’re just going to be annoyed with this long and abundant list, then don’t read it. It’s meant to actually get you thinking about what should be on yours. Here goes: 
I am so grateful-

There, I’ve had a good sob and I feel refreshed. I hope you will take this assignment seriously and make a good long, juicy list and share it with us and others.
Your life is a miracle and I want you to be aware of that at all times. When we designed the Design Your Life Weekend it was to wake you up to all that your life is and can be, quickly and comprehensively. Please give yourself the gift of this experience of self-knowledge and self-love by finding one you can attend this fall. Welcome to your best year yet. Stay tuned…
All my love and gratitude for being part of this community,