Handel Group

How Self-Love Can Help You Live the Life You Want

What does self-love have to do with your health, your relationships, your career, your spirituality, your desires, and your overall satisfaction with life?! EVERYTHING!

Laurie Gerber, TEDx speaker and head coach at the Handel Group specializing in relationships and marriage, knows firsthand that loving and respecting yourself is the foundation to live in alignment with your dreams.

While growing up, food symbolized love for Laurie and her family. But what started out as a source of comfort and happiness quickly turned into a sugar addiction, one that got so out of control that it affected her entire life and nearly destroyed her marriage. When Laurie enlisted a life coach, she was forced to confront the ways in which her “love story” with sugar was impacting how she loved herself and others. Using food as an escape, she was disconnected from her body, checked out of her relationship, and doing work that wasn’t satisfying.

With the help of her coach, Laurie learned how to connect to her head and her heart to start showing herself the love and respect she desired… and deserved. By following an accountability method (which she now teaches!) using a series of promises and consequences, Laurie was able to break up with sugar and transform her health, save her marriage, and begin a new fulfilling career.

Now, as the head coach of The Handel Group, Laurie’s on a mission to help others get in touch with their dreams, fall in love with telling the truth, and become the authors of their lives!

“Self-love comes from within, it’s never going to be replaced by somebody else liking you, swiping you, flirting with you, or falling in love with you.” ~Laurie Gerber

In this episode, you’ll learn: 

You’ll feel inspired to start to truly love and value yourself, so you can live your happiest, most fulfilling life!

Listen here!