Suzee Edwards | Handel Group

Staff Coach

Suzee Edwards

Suzee Edwards’ passion is to work with a community of people who courageously live their lives to their fullest potential. She believes that everything she has chosen to do in her life has rewarded her with a rich fabric of experience that has lead her to being a full time coach for the Handel Group.

suzee-edwards-candidHaving grown up in Los Angeles, CA, Suzee began her professional career as a concert violinist.  After attending UCLA and Cal State Northridge, she graduated with a Bachelor of Music degree.  Eventually Suzee left the music industry to see what the corporate world had to offer. Her nation-wide search lead her to work with Barkley Court Reporters where she was responsible for recruiting and managing more than 100 reporters across the State of California. Most recently, Suzee has opened a dance studio and taught yoga while raising her two children with her husband in Jupiter, FL.

Known for her authenticity and her independence, Suzee’s broad background brings a unique perspective to her work with clients. The passion she brings is largely based on the huge difference that Handel has made in her life while she was a client.  “I’ve gone from pretending to be brave and saying all the right things to being truly brave by being honest and living the life I dreamed of having.” Her sense of humor, compassion and honesty is ultimately what connects her to her clients and enables her to push them to reach for their dreams.