Programs - Handel Educational Coaching - Handel Group | Handel Group


Impacting the world.

One hero – educator, admin, and student –

at a time.

Coaching and Consulting Programs for Students, Teachers and Faculty, Administrators, Staff, and Senior Institutional Leaders

Design Your Life

HG EDU is on a mission to bring conscious living to formal education. We believe it’s fundamental to teach people not just how to learn, but how to live. We bring The Handel Method® to students, educators, faculty, and administrators, giving them the tools they need to design their lives, impact their effectiveness, and live according to their highest ideas for themselves both professionally and personally. Our work focuses on developing Personal Integrity®, transparency, and accountability across all levels of an academic institution.

Our flagship curriculum, Designing Your Life®, is a unique step-by-step methodology designed specifically for universities and is the framework for all other offerings from HG EDU.

Transforming Student Lives

For Graduate Students

Designing Transitions

Transitioning from being an undergraduate to forging your own career path can be a daunting experience. Using our proven methodology, graduate students and (postdocs) learn how to tackle their limiting beliefs, connect to their purpose, and design the career and personal life of their dreams.

For Undergraduate Students

Optimizing Education

Staying true to your academic career goals while balancing your personal life is a tough job. We appreciate that. That’s why we created a set of tools and practices designed to help undergrads navigate the roughest of waters, master their minds, and create the life of (all of) their dreams.

Grades K – 12 Classroom Programs

Building a Brilliant Future

What better place to begin building life design skills than where it all starts! We teach our youngest participants how to build a foundation for a lifetime of success by bringing the Handel Method into the classroom – from kindergarten to 12th grade, we’re bringing real life education to students when they need it most––at the beginning of their academic lives.

Students learn how to have the hard conversations, resolve conflict, debunk negative theories, and design their lives. Yes, theirs, and from a place of empowered authorship for now and into their fabulous futures!

Grades K – 12 After School Programs

Cultivating Healthy Connections

Imagine an afterschool experience where your kiddos are learning SEL skills (e.g. catching negative inner dialogue, practicing social awareness), practicing life design (e.g. design your dream room and toybox), and engaging in self empowerment by learning the art of Hard Conversations, standing up to bullies, and writing ‘I Am’ statements!

Your students work with their group coach to learn the tools they need to connect to their highest ideals and create the life they want. They will get to pick one specific area of their life they want to tackle and rock out.

Designing Your Life for Kids (grades K-8)

Designing Your High School Experience

Designing Your Life: High School

For Educational Leaders

Empowering Leadership

Leading and inspiring a team of educators, especially in challenging times, requires the building of happy, proud, and inspired teams, connected to a personal vision and passion, able to transcend the traditional politics of academic culture.

The Handel Group supports top educational administrators to re-design departmental and institutional cultures to support inspired and innovative action, and the closing of traditional divides – be it staff vs. faculty, inter-departmental turf battles, or political rivalries – we’ve got your back as you strive to evolve your culture!

Building Honest Cultures

For Faculty

Building Resilience

Faculty are the lifeblood of any educational institution. As such, HG makes it our business to provide them with a range of support -whether to be engaging instructors, help conquer professional obstacles, meet writing and research goals, be effective team leaders, or resolve conflict with wisdom and grace – we’ve got faculty covered.

We also provide educators with integratable life design and coaching curriculum to seamlessly support students as they build core personal and leadership development competencies, enhancing their potential for success in both their professional and personal lives, as they design an educational and career path they are deeply proud of!

Teachers, Counselors, SEL

Strengthening Educational Cultures

Imagine being able to cultivate your students’ (and your own!) mental well-being simultaneously, with a fun, interactive and easily implementable coaching program, grounded in SEL principles and fun activities your students will love?

We offer personal & professional training opportunities for educators to not only launch your own dreams, but help you put the actions in place to get there. We then prepare you to bring our real-life education into YOUR classroom, meeting your specific curriculum and student needs.

We support you from beginning to end to be the most empowered, inspiring, and supportive teacher you can be! Learn more about our national educator cohorts and come join the educator coaching movement!

Design Your Life for Educators

Parent and Family Support

Designing Healthy Families

Parents! We’ve been coaching kids and teens across the country on how to take charge of their lives. Now it is your turn!

Join us remotely or in person to get clear on how you want to show up as a parent! We teach parents how to deal with common roadblocks to effective parenting and design healthier family systems.

You will learn to talk back to your inner dialogue that says ‘this is hard,’ stomp on excuses that keep you from rocking your parenting, take down the personality traits that damage your relationship with your kids, and learn how to keep promises to yourself and your kids that are a match with your parenting dreams.

Designing Your Life for Parents

Get a feel for how The Handel Method® could benefit you or your organization.

Handel Group is a proud sponsor of Human Better EDU (HBE), a qualified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.