The Power of One with Lauren Zander | Handel Group

The Power of One with Lauren Zander

We would love for you to join us at a very special Women Leaders breakfast event “The Power of One” hosted by Lauren Zander, Executive Coach to Fortune 500 CEOs on Tuesday, June 26th.

“I’ve coached hundreds of female executives and entrepreneurs over the past 20 years, and I’ve found that my clients bump up against one common obstacle as they push themselves to create and execute at the highest levels.

So what’s that roadblock? I’m not talking about gender inequality or glass ceilings. I’m talking about an internal pecking order. In the in the pecking order I’m talking about, there are two levels: One and Two.

A One is a powerful leader. Someone who knows who she is, speaks her truth, and authors/designs her life. She chases fear and not only champions her cause, champions others. Not just because she can, but because a One understands that others are Ones as well.

So how do we assume the One position?

I can’t wait to show you how. Join me for an upcoming leadership seminar. We will ll take stock of your performance to-date, make a list, and leave you with an action plan so that you can start to see where you might be doing the two-step … and how to shift into your highest gear.

I hope you can join me.
