Are you living true to your dreams? | Handel Group

Addiction, Validation, and Confronting Your Truth

Alyssa is on a mission to create positive change in the world. She came to Handel Group seven years ago with a desire to change her career. After spending nearly a decade in the biotech industry participating in the launch of two successful life changing medicines for Cystic Fibrosis and Hepatitis C, she still felt like there was something missing in her life. After one session with a coach at Handel Group, she quickly discovered what was missing – she wasn’t living true to her own dreams; she wasn’t happy; and she didn’t know how to become happy.

This realization inspired a journey: Alyssa became a coach, changed careers, learned how to date honestly, transformed the dynamic in her family, navigated addiction, and confronted how to create and maintain great relationships in her life. She brings a deep understanding of The Handel Method to the work she does with her clients and students at MIT. Her analytical mindset and process-oriented nature led to her work in the Media Division, and most recently, to build, test, and launch Inner.U, Handel Group’s first digital course.

In this episode:

  • Quieting your voice and looking outside yourself for validation
  • Her battle with bulimia and alcohol
  • Confronting truths to shed light to the dark side
  • How to design your dream life
  • How to create actual change and change the voices that keep you small
  • Shifting your mindset to empower yourself