Change Is Afoot | Handel Group

Change Is Afoot

Change is afoot in my life and the life of Handel Group Life Coaching.

There is something I haven’t been telling the truth about for a while now and it’s time for me to share it straight up.

I’ve been struggling in my role as President.

Don’t get me wrong, I love the Handel Method®. I love teaching and leading and working with the people in this organization. And, until recently, I have loved growing the business from nearly non-existent to where it is today. There is much to be proud about when looking over the accomplishments of the last six years.

However, over the last year or two the company has grown into a new era. We are setting our sights higher, dreaming bigger, and becoming more complex. We’re going digital. We’re becoming way more professional and analytical, using more technology, and developing robust marketing strategies.

In short, the baby that I raised is growing up.

Over the past couple of years, Handel Group Life Coaching has been needing a leadership skill set that neither comes naturally to me nor is something that I’m inspired to develop.

Instead of acknowledging this and dealing with it, I’ve been denying it. It was embarrassing and scary to even think of admitting that I was failing and that I was disappointing people. Can anyone smell the Chicken and the Brat here?  Instead, I focused on what I loved to do and ignored the parts of my job that I didn’t. I didn’t want to let go of my job, but I was getting worse and worse at doing that job.

Can you relate to this? Is there a change that you know, deep down inside, that you need to make, but you don’t want to? Learn from my mistake! If you know that something isn’t working, or if you aren’t dreaming anymore, tell the truth about it sooner than I did. Yes, it requires humility and the willingness to let go of control, but it also means that you are free to create how you leave and what comes next!

My lack of integrity eventually got unbearable. I was unhappy, and that was bad for the team and bad for me. Finally, I found the solution within our methodology: I told the truth. All of it.

I am so grateful for the loving and supportive executive team at Handel who held my hand and loved me through the process of digging out every last piece, until I was hiding nothing. Telling the truth was a scary process, but once I had told the complete truth, the solution became clear.

I am happy to announce today that I am stepping down as the President of HGLC and finding another role within the company. This role will be a different, exciting leadership role that caters to what I love and am good at. We are currently figuring out what that should look like, but rest assured, I will be following my heart.

So, now you might be wondering who IS the President of HGLC, if not me?

I am equally happy to announce that it wasn’t hard to figure out who should replace me; someone with the kind of aptitudes and vision necessary to bring the company to the next level in a new era.

I am proud to hand the leadership reigns to Samantha Sutton, who I’ve been partnering with now as an executive for years. You know her well as a Vice President and the Director of our Courses and Seminars and the fearless leader of our Design Your Life Weekends.

Please join me in welcoming Samantha to her new post. She is very excited to bring her many gifts to the role and I will be behind her all the way.

I am so grateful that within the culture of Handel, I get to tell the truth, not be punished for it, and use the whole process to design what’s next, based on a new juicy dream.

Thank you, my community of readers, for being by my side during this transition. Let me be by yours too. If you happen to be in the midst of a transition or in the process of re-inventing yourself in any way, you may want to catch our last Design Your Life Weekend this summer, July 27-28. It can get you straightened out in no time.

Onward to the next great chapter!


TWEET OF THE WEEK: If you know something isn’t working or if you aren’t dreaming anymore, tell the truth about it and be free to create what comes next.
