How to Trust Your Head, Heart, and Hoohah When It Comes to Love | Handel Group

How to Trust Your Head, Heart, and Hoohah When It Comes to Love

Laurie Gerber talks to Elayne Fluker about how she fell in love with coaching and how she began the journey. She educates people to tell the truth and fall in love with themselves. In the episode, she tells Elayne what people misunderstand about relationships. Finally, she talks about how coaching saved her marriage and how that was her transformation into becoming a life coach.

Insights from the Episode:

  • How to date in a pandemic, and the ingredients needed: leveraging on technology, the right attitude, and time.
  • How to date for efficiency and fun.
  • Understanding the 3 H’s in dating:
  • Head: is practicality and workability of the relationship
  • Heart: cares about what you care about
  • Hoohah: ask yourself two questions: do I want to kiss you? Do I want to look at your face for x duration of time?
  • Understanding that it is important to check in with yourself before getting out there.