Mindset Matters: Business Shift with Chrisa Boyce | Handel Group

Mindset Matters: Business Shift with Chrisa Boyce

Finding Your Business Mindset Frequency: With all the things in the world of business today people are making big changes in their organizations. How do we pivot? How do we go more digital? How do we stay in front of customers in an ever-changing business environment? Check out this latest episode as host Ryan Treasure talks with Chrisa Zindros Boyce from Handel Group. Chrisa shares her personal story building brands and creating business driving initiatives that have positively impacted sales, profit, and employee retention. Chrisa’s One Big Tip to staying productive and inspired throughout the day is to use a method she calls “the daily design.” She describes this practice as, “a daily moment of pause, where you get to sit down and actually be intentional about how you want your day to go.”

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