Nurture Your Human Nature with Meditation | Handel Group

Nurture Your Human Nature with Meditation

It’s Valentine’s Day! Cupid is officially sharpening his arrows, and our Tinder-swiping fingers are cramping up. It’s the day of L-O-V-E. Those with heart-shaped chocolate rejoice, and those eating chocolate ice cream in bed alone read self help books (and blogs).

Don’t worry we have a little Valentine’s Day gift for ALL of you; both the love birds and loveless. It is the gift of meditation!

Yup. As our dear friend Emily Fletcher, founder of Ziva meditation, explains, “research has shown that meditation increases focus, energy and productivity.” And when it comes to love, don’t we all need a little more focus, energy … and doing? After all … love is a verb.

So try this how-to freebie from Emily to get started, and shave your legs, because this Valentine’s Day … it’s a whole new you!  




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