4 Amazing Gifts I Got From Life Coaching | Handel Group

4 Amazing Gifts I Got From Life Coaching

Hello Friends!

Many of you know that I work closely with a coach from Handel Group, unblocking obstacles and focusing on my creativity. It”s been an amazing journey of self discovery, and I want to take a moment to share a few points of personal progress I have made with the help of this invaluable program:

1. I started looking into my heart big time, and designed dreams for myself that got me motivated and inspired.

For example, I said I would grow my brand platform and Blossom Magazine. I wrote a detailed dream about what the magazine means to me – how it would feel to create meaningful content that would inspire so many people, and what that process would look like. I read my dream aloud every night, which kept me inspired and kept me in action. Because of that, my dream stayed at the forefront of my mind, and I worked my marketing and networking plan, connected with great partners, and now both issues of Blossom will be printed annually around the world! The inspiration within it’s pages will find it’s home in the hands of a global community, just as I crafted in my dream.

2. I spent quality time doing what I love … just for me.

I wrote a dream about making time for creative play with no schedule or business goal. I wanted time to relax and explore and have more opportunities to bond with my friends. And so my “crafty weekends” were born! It”s easy to overlook the importance of creative play time, but prioritizing these weekends and putting them in the schedule made the dream happen! These have fed my soul in rich and surprising ways and the happiness that I feel as a result has poured over into my studio work, friendships and my relationship with Dave.

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3. I expanded my happiness, satisfaction, self-love and self confidence.

I am not the same person I was in years past. I design who I want to be in my relationships now instead of “playing it by ear” or being sidetracked by emotions. I even have promises that keep me accountable to this dream. One promise is, when I catch myself in anxiety and controlling behavior, I talk it out with the person on the spot. This takes away the drama, allows me to keep myself in check, and have the other person feel loved and cared for. The richness in my relationships with Dave, my friends and studio mates was born out of the personal work I did with this relationship dream, as well as putting into action my daily practice of writing what I am grateful for at night, and writing myself love letters in the morning. These rituals have replaced my anxiety with compassion and love, not only for me, but for everyone in my life.

4. I became a better listener and a better leader.

This year I decided I wanted to be an inspiring leader and a loving spouse. I committed myself to spiritual work and became convinced of a new truth: that love could replace fear. In this empowered place I talked out loud about my fears instead of trying to hide or fix them. Being willing to talk about the impact of being controlling with others was hugely helpful and connected me to my humanness. Being vulnerable and honest lightened everything up and created the space for Dave and my studio mates to share too. Now my “anxious controller” no longer rules the roost. I believe in my leadership and love instead of my fear, and I listen and lead from a whole new enlightened place.

Although those are huge accomplishments for me, I know there are lots more to come on my journey! Seeing my personal work have a positive direct impact on those around me has been humbling and motivating for me. I want to be a great role model, an inspired leader who helps others gain the confidence to achieve their own goals and highest creative potential.

All my love,
Amy Butler