Author Archives: Vivek Dhar

Laurie Gerber

Passionate about personal development, Laurie has been coaching individuals and groups for over 15 years. She holds a degree in Education and Political Science from Swarthmore College, and was certified to teach elementary school.

3 Secrets of Happy Marriages

Is your marriage sexy enough for the long haul? Or, did you, more than likely, just roll your eyes at that very question? Staying in love does not just happen magically and automatically! Join Senior Life Coach Laurie Gerber for this insightful 1-hour Tele-Talk and learn Handel Group’s three essential principles that will impact your […]

I am a huge fan

“I am excited about the things that are happening in my life and how action in one area of life can cascade through to other, seemingly unrelated areas of life. You can count me as a huge fan of coaching!”