Laurie Gerber | Handel Group

Head Coach

Laurie Gerber

Laurie Gerber is one of the most engaging and effective life coaches and presenters in the country.

After holding several positions at Handel Group® over the last 18 years, including President of HG Life, Laurie is currently a contractor, strategic partner and licensee of The Handel Method® .


Her specialties are high achievers, workaholics, world-change agents, daters, couples and families.

Laurie wholeheartedly believes that when “love” is truly treated as a verb, world peace is possible. She works to prove this theory every day.

Laurie leads Handel Group in helping humanity see and feel the freedom that comes with truth-telling, and cleaning up our personal pollution: lies. Hers first: in 2019, Laurie presented “The Secret-Free Diet” at TEDx Flatbush.

Between podcasts, TV appearances, TEDx, IGTV, events and workshops with Zoosk, JDate, General Assembly, BeSocialChange, IvyConnect, Ellevate and other respected organizations, Laurie impacts thousands of humans each month.

In her captivating presentations, Laurie helps participants Learn To Human Better® by teaching them the practical tools of dreaming, excuse-busting and action-planning, how to build Personal Integrity® , and the art of honesty.

When not working from her NYC townhouse, she’s meditating, jogging, or attempting to get cuddles from her 9, 19 and 21-year old kids and husband of 25 years.