Dreaming Put Me in the Driver’s Seat (of a BMW Convertible) | Handel Group

Dreaming Put Me in the Driver’s Seat (of a BMW Convertible)


Hunter, a high school teacher in Connecticut, decided she wanted to have more fun this summer. Instead of passively hoping it would happen, she wrote out her dream for what that fun would look like. A mere months later, she is flying around town in a BMW convertible, expanding her heart and home to become a foster mom, and growing her career to teach at a new school. Can one dream really do all that? Oh yes it can if you dream with Handel Group. 

Last summer, during the heart of the pandemic, Hunter took a 6-week class with us that walked her through Inner.U, Handel Group’s online coaching course. She wrote out her dream for fun which included the “impractical” purchase of a convertible. Then her head immediately flooded with all kinds of negative thoughts. See if they sound familiar. “This is so impractical. I can’t spend money on myself like this. BMWs are expensive to fix. I want a used car so whatever I buy is sure to break. I am a single woman, what do I know about cars?” 

That oh so familiar head swirl was just the voice of fear having a heyday in Hunter’s head, telling her to stay safe and avoid risk. What if she had listened to that pesky little chicken voice? Would she be strapping her dog into the front seat and cruising around town with “convertible hair, don’t care”? No chance.

She talked back to those voices in her head by saying things like “This is my money to spend. I am going to do it and it is going to work out,” and lo and behold it did! Not surprising actually, since the voices in our heads dictate our actions which dictate our results. So when she flipped her negative thoughts, she then started to save a portion of every paycheck and search for cars. Now she is in the driver’s seat of her own convertible. And the driver’s seat of her life.

Accomplishing this dream flipped many of her negative theories about herself. In her words, “Once I believed that I deserve to have fun, I started to believe I deserve to fall in love (which is now happening!) and that I deserve to live a fulfilling life… I now know that I can set bold goals and can achieve them… I am in the process of becoming a foster parent – another dream!  And switching to a new career opportunity… I feel really accomplished that I reached this goal, and I feel as though I am living my best life.” 

In order to live the life YOU dream of, you have to actually dream. Your dreams are your stake in the ground for what you want in life. 

To write an inspiring dream:

  1. Be specific
  2. Write your dream in the present tense so you make yourself accountable for it right now.
  3. Play in the positive; keep all negative digs out of your dream. 
  4. Be honest as these are your dreams, not somebody else’s. 

Next, tell people about your dreams! If you keep them secret, you don’t have to go after them. Sneaky, huh? But if you tell people, you are more likely to make them happen. When Hunter told her students, one suggested Facebook Marketplace which is where she found her car. Then they asked her about it weekly. This support certainly kept her accountable and unable to skirt her dream! 

We made it through the pandemic, people, and it is summer – we should all be having as much fun as Hunter. Write out your dream for fun (or for any other area of your life). Then tell people about it! These are the first two steps toward living a dream life. Don’t you want to live yours?

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Are you an educator or school administrator who wants to dream like Hunter? Join our Designing Your Life for Educators course (the class where Hunter wrote out her first dreams!) 

Six consecutive Thursday evenings, 7-8pm ET

August 19 – September 23, 2021

Click here for more information and to register.


Inner.U STUDENT – Learn to Human Better at School 

“I am taking on my future! I have decided what I want to major in and where I am going to college.It is mine to make happen and I can do it!

– Inner.U STUDENT User

Inner.U STUDENT is the cheat sheet for life as a student & beyond! This online coaching course gives you the tools you need to rock out your academic life and get the relationships, body, career, and future you want.

Get it for yourself or for a student in your life!