Life Coaching | Family Dynamics | Handel Group

Family Dynamics, One Human at a Time

Raise your hand if your family is perfect. Exactly.

Almost no one will raise their hand for that because your family has history! Years and years of good times, bad times, sister fights, brother bothers, marriage troubles, in-law annoyances, and so on. Although you more than likely love each other, whether you deeply like each other and are wildly honest with each other, is another question!

Throughout this crazy useful video of ours, HG co-founder, Lauren Zander, and expert coach and sister, Marnie Nir, advise on some of the most common issues families face – from daddy issues, to inlaws, to crazy aunts. Are you ready to rock (in a good way!)  your family dynamics?

Watch now!

P.S. Learn to Human Better with Inner.U, our online coaching course that gives you the tools to do this life thing a little better. Inner.U is 12 virtual sessions with Lauren Zander which includes 1 free private coaching session with an HG coach, a Promise Tracker, and a Buddy System to keep you accountable. You in?