Finding Your Lane | Handel Group

Finding Your Lane

No matter your path in life, Gaby Jordan is here to help. A member of the Handel Group, Gaby went from litigator to leader and life coach. She works with people at all stages of their careers to develop life skills and tools that allow people to live their lives to their fullest potential, without excuses holding you back from success in your personal or business endeavors. She currently works as a Corporate Consultant, mentoring people in a growth-oriented direction and inspiring people to engage in lifelong learning.

In this episode, Sharon speaks with Gaby about her path from working as a legal litigator to the current inspirational life coach that she is today. They also discuss excuses that we often make in our everyday lives, and how ridding ourselves of the negativity that is weighing us down and taking action towards the life we desire can lead to substantial and powerful change. Gaby goes in depth into her believes about the importance of growth at all stages of life and how we can all be the CEOs of our own life and livelihood.

What You Will Learn
Gaby’s path to success How Gaby went from litigator to life coach Common excuses we make in life How to learn to become our best self How Gaby’s programs can help you.