Happiness Happens – Designing Your Relationships with Relationship and Marriage Coach Laurie Gerber | Handel Group

Happiness Happens – Designing Your Relationships with Relationship and Marriage Coach Laurie Gerber

Have you ever wanted to understand the secrets to a good relationship? Maybe you’re curious about the small things we can do to make our relationships thrive?

In this episode, we chat with Laurie Gerber, who has been coaching individuals and groups for over 15 years. She specializes in relationship and marriage coaching and is the #1 marriage and relationship coach based in NYC.

In this episode, we talk about:

  • The journey that brought her to where she is today
  • The Handel method of coaching and the actions learned that changed her life
  • The tools you can use to heal relationships
  • How to become more present in your relationships
  • Loving yourself the exact way you are
  • InnerU and its unique approach to coaching and community
  • Why we should tell the truth and why most people don’t