It’s Not What You Eat, It’s What’s Eating You. | Handel Group

It’s Not What You Eat, It’s What’s Eating You.

I loved and loathed my summers growing up on the east coast.


Oh, that’s easy: bathing suits.

Every Memorial Day weekend, the pool we belonged to would open up for the summer and I’d put on my one-piece Speedo and happily go play. That was until, I turned eleven and well, I came to the sad realization that chunky was not the new cute.

From then on out, from high school to college to my 20s and 30s, I’d swear to myself that this would be the year I was going to get thin, healthy and look great in a bathing suit. I had a whole process I would do in preparation for finally being thin. I’d go buy the latest diet book on the New York Times Bestseller List, start the diet, get rid of all the junk food in my house, buy a gym membership and begin to work out.

How’d that work out for me?

Well, I’d do great for at least a week or so, sometimes I’d even make it three weeks. But then, there would be a party or an event and, inevitably, my downward spiral of cheating and eating would begin. Before I knew it, I’d put back on any weight I had lost and gain more weight on top of that. Naturally, I would then feel guilty, beat myself up about it and, at some point, give up and accept that I was never going to be thin. I’d do this at least twice or three times a year. And, every Memorial Day, I’d mourn my dream of looking good in a bathing suit with a margarita (only 455 -700 calories per drink).

When I was 38 years old, everything changed.

I was going through a divorce and doing my normal pattern of losing weight and putting it back on, when a friend introduced me to a life coach. On our first call, my coach had me get that my weight problem wasn’t about what I was eating, but instead, it was about what was eating me. I had used food as an emotional escape my whole life and didn’t even know it.

The first thing my coach did was get me on the scale. I didn’t want to know how much I weighed, but she made me deal with the number. I was 5.5 feet tall and weighed 207 pounds. Then, she had me make specific promises about what I would eat and not eat, which changed everything for me. She had me actually write out my dream for my body, health and appearance. Yes, in it, of course, was a bikini top and cut off shorts at a pool! Then, my coach had me look at my life and tackle why I was overeating (uh, unhappy marriage, bitter divorce, rollercoaster career, turning 40). I started to face my emotional associations with food and my addiction to sugar. Next, she got me to start managing my mind around food and diet, so I could finally recognize and hear my thoughts that were sabotaging my dreams (uh, divorce sucks, don’t want to deal, pass me glass of red wine with large pizza and birthday cake…NOW).

Within days of dealing with my mind and body, I started losing weight and did not stop losing weight for the next 8 months until I reached my seemingly unattainable goal of a size 4. For 8 years now, I’ve kept the weight off.

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Below are some tips on how I lost weight and how you can jump start your own weight loss this summer. Come on, you can do it! You still have time to rock your body and feel healthy and proud by Labor Day!


Visualize and describe in 4-6 sentences what you want your body to look and feel like.

a) Make your dream juicy.
b) Make it a stretch but doable.
c) Write it in the first person like it’s happening now.
d) Keep it positive! No negative digs at yourself!


Make specific food and exercise promises, which will help you achieve your body dream. For example, no eating bread, pasta or rice. No eating after 8pm. Drink 8 glasses of water a day. Exercise 4 times a week for 40 minutes (bike, running or elliptical).

How do you keep your promises? Create self-imposed consequences for each promise you make. It’s not a punishment, but an incentive so you don’t break your promise. For example, whenever I cheated on my diet, I had to wake up the next morning at 6am and walk the dog for an hour.

Get a buddy or a coach who will help keep you accountable to your dream and won’t let you get away with cheating on your diet or giving up.

For more coaching tips on how to lose weight and be healthy in your life, join Dr. Mark Hyman, 9-time New York Times Bestselling author, and HG Co-Founder, Lauren Handel Zander for an intimate 2-hour live event, Honestly Healthy at Soho House NYC on June 16th. Or sign up for Lauren’s 1-hour Tele-Talk, Honestly Healthy on June 14th where you will learn how to design your health and take better care of yourself so you can ultimately feel better in your body.

Katie Torpey
HG Weight Loss Expert