Making Your Dreams Actually Come True with Laurie Gerbe‪r | Handel Group

Making Your Dreams Actually Come True with Laurie Gerbe‪r

Find your truth. In this episode, Laurie Gerber shares how to connect your heart, head, and body in a no BS way to see real change in your marriage and family and actually achieving your wildest dreams.

As Head Coach at Handel Group Life Coaching, Laurie teaches people to tell the truth and pursue their dreams through live events, one-on-one coaching, online coaching courses, as a writer, on radio and in frequent TV appearances like MTV, A&E, Dr. Phil and the Today Show.

  • The Unspoken Topic
  • Be willing to tell the truth about what you want and what you are willing to do about it. Get over the excuses. If you want to know how healthy your marriage, sex is the barometer.
  • What We Cover
  • A no-BS insight on creating intimacy with your partner.
  • How to reverse engineer your dreams to make them happen.
  • Hacks on how to live your best life- for real.


Key Takeaways
The best thing you can do for your children is to love your life. Role model the kind of life you want your children to have. You love what you do with your time, you love your partner and you enjoy pleasure in your body.
Trade off hours each weekend with your parenting partner so you can have some time off. You don’t have to do everything together as a family.
Stay current with what you are thinking and where you are at.
Be willing to tell the truth about what you want and what you are willing to do about it.

Actionable Solution
How to Actually Make Your Dreams Come True

What do you want? Figure out what you want in its truest form. What is the dream of your heart? Focus on what you want, not your complaints.

STEP TWO: Purge.
Purge all the reasons and complaints you have. What is true and what is not true.

Take action on what is true. Make a vow to move forward in that direction and don’t stop.