One Part Podcast with Jessica Murnane | Handel Group

One Part Podcast with Jessica Murnane

Episode 90: How To Crush Negative Self-Talk + Turning Sh*tty Situations Into Sacred Ones With Lauren Handel Zander

Do you find yourself distracted (and defeated) by the constant chatter in your head? Tune into Lauren Zander’s conversation with Jessica Murnane on the One Part Podcast. Lauren shares her thoughts on how our inner dialogue tends to run the show and come away with tips to turn off that noise up there . . .  Press play!

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Show Notes:
One Part Podcast Fam Community Page
Lauren Handel Zander’s Website
Maybe It’s You: Cut The Crap, Face Your Fears, Love Your Life (Lauren’s Book)
Schedule a consultation
Inner U (Lauren’s digital coaching course)
One Part Plant Cookbook
Email hola (at) for podcast coaching
Celeste Headlee Episode
Maya Elisabeth Episode