Radically Loved with Rosie Acosta | Handel Group

Radically Loved with Rosie Acosta

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Lauren Handel Zander is a life coach, speaker, and the Co-Founder and Chairwoman of Handel Group®. She is also the author of Maybe It’s You: Cut the Crap, Face Your Fears, Love Your Life, a no-nonsense, practical manual that helps readers figure out not just what they want out of life, but how to actually get there.

In the early 2000s, Lauren created a groundbreaking methodology, The Handel Method®, which teaches how to know and love yourself, resolve your personal history, and manage your mind. Students learn to see themselves from a different perspective and experience life with newfound compassion, humor, and honesty.

In working with Lauren for a year, I have learned so much and this conversation was no exception. Lauren graciously shared how to confront our inner dialogue, finding the love of your life, what one thing she plans to do for the rest of her life, and much more.

Radically Truthful Lauren

  • Uncovering that there’s nothing wrong with ‘dark’ negative thoughts
  • Showing just how easy it is to change if you can keep a promise
  • Promising herself to never get angry or mean in order to stay present

Radically Inspired Clarity

  • The things we let ourselves get away with are the lies we tell ourselves. Those illusions are what we need to break into.

Lauren Zander Answers…

  • How long does it take to enact radical change?
  • What is your experience with parenting?
  • How do you sustain a long term relationship?

Radically Loved Quotes

“We are always listening to our inner-dialogue. Our inner-dialogue is not a guru or best friend.”

“The first thing you need is a serious sense of humor.”

“You are in charge of believing in your dreams.” 

“With a promise and a consequence someone else knows about, real change can start to happen.”

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