The 7 Ingredients and Hats (yes, hats) of a Powerful Leader | Handel Group

The 7 Ingredients and Hats (yes, hats) of a Powerful Leader

If you’re looking to build your own business, grow your personal brand, and be an entrepreneur, you’ve come to the right place.

Maybe you know EXACTLY what you want to do, but are afraid to take the leap. OR you already jumped and own a business, but want to make sure you’re on the right path. OR, you have an idea for a FUTURE business … even if “the future” is when your newborn can drive you to the train station. No matter where you are, in order to realize your dream you are going to have to deal with your career dream’s biggest obstacle—YOU.

You are going to have to get honest about some of your personality traits that aren’t working on behalf of your dream—oh, I don’t know, like, fearful, pessimistic (disguised as realistic), insecure, distrustful, Mopey Dick (hi, David!), etc. Or Baby Lauren…

What?!! Just because I invented myself as a sole practitioner almost 19 years ago, launched my business out of my bedroom, and turned  my practice into an international coaching company with 60 employees—doesn’t mean that I don’t have traits that need a leash!

Who do you think I used as a guinea pig for my method (okay, besides my mom)—me!

Look.  Our less than awesome  personality traits are never fully going away. But we certainly can intervene on our own behalf and change them. Hell, we can even develop new traits to replace the old ones. A small task? God, no. A worthy one? For f’s sake (freedom)—and our dream’s sake—yes.

Twenty plus years of coaching later, what I’ve found is that most of us are still not dealing with our ‘interior design’ to the extent we need to in service of our dreams.

I’ve found that there are about 7 ingredients and 7 hats you’ll need to develop and don in order to be a powerful entrepreneur.  Each is crucial to being a pioneer and rainmaker in your field and critical in determining the type of leader you’re going to be.

Get a feel for how The Handel Method® could benefit you.

The good news? They all can be developed. The bad news? Depending how far back in the figurative pantry or closet they are, it’s gonna take some plotting on your part.

What it’s going to take to get your shift together

The Ingredients?  You will need to have: clarity, integrity, and courage. As well as be: passionate, maniacal, championed, self-aware, and transparent. Yeah, I know I said seven. Consider the eighth—transparency to be optional (but, in my world, no surprise here, it’s really not).

The Hats?  Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Marketing Officer, Head of Business Development, Head of Human Resources, Head of Customer Service and Administrative Assistant.

Oh, just those…

So many times, people fail not because they weren’t willing to do the work but because they didn’t know what work to do. It’s no one’s fault, no one has been teaching this. And I’m not going to sugarcoat it. There’s A LOT OF WORK TO DO! You may not have all of the ingredients yet. You may be scared to wear a few of these hats. I know the feeling. But after having worked 20+ years to build a business myself out of my bedroom, I know what it takes and I’m excited to share with you.

The issue isn’t can you do this essential work—it’s are you willing to?

My approach is different. I’ll give you actionable steps. I’ll show you what it’s going to take to live with personal integrity—having your head (plan) line up with your heart (dream)  and body (actions), and keep yourself accountable.

This method works.

When you sort yourself out, you will succeed. And when you deal head-on with what’s in your career dream’s way (read: you), you will shine.

Head to Mind Body Green and check out my business course, How To Build Your Personal Brand: Realize Your Mission & Craft Your Dream Career to find out who you are going to need to be to make your mission (should you decide to accept it) possible.
