Top 5 Things You Must Do Before the End of the Year | Handel Group

Top 5 Things You Must Do Before the End of the Year

I took a class at Barry’s Bootcamp today. How to describe? One hour of non-stop huffing, puffing, panting and sweating. Three letters just keep coming to mind: O-M-G. I have never pushed that hard in my life. If you are not familiar with this particular brand of New York style fitness torture exhilaration, perhaps you are familiar with some other bootcamps or fitness phenomena such as Crossfit or the like? I thought I had some idea of them, I did not.

As I think about what brings me the greatest satisfaction at the end of the year, it’s pushing!! Then being done pushing. One goes with the other, they are inextricably linked. And I am writing to you today to urge you to do one final push for your year. You really did think up some potent dreams at the beginning of this year, and some of them are still not fulfilled. What are you going to yell in your ear right now at the homestretch?

If you want to sound like Noah, the bootcamp coach I had this morning, you’ll say: “You can do this. Earn your break. Just 10, 9, 8, 7, 6….more. You are a rockstar.” But if you don’t talk to yourself like that, or hire an awesome professional to do so, this is what the voice in your head will likely say instead:

“It’s the holidays.”
“I’m too busy.”
“Nothing gets done at this time of the year.”
“It’s too late.”

or you spiritual people, watch out for these:

“It must not have been meant to be.”
“The timing wasn’t right.”
“If it was meant to be it would have happened.”
“I’m just going to make peace and be grateful for what I do have.”

While some of those are lovely sentiments they can also be code for “it’s time to sell-out.” I’m just telling you what inspired me so hard-core this morning – don’t stop before the finish line. Don’t stop impressing the heck out of yourself about what you can accomplish in a day.

I was done with my workout by 9am, my brain function returned by 10am. I had one of the most amazing business calls in my life by 11:15am. It wasn’t even a long one, just a super focused, powerful and magical one. Why was my day so great? Because I was in the zone? Why was I in the zone? Because I started the day doing something that impressed me, something out of my comfort zone and something that shot my endorphins up! Could I have done it alone? Doubtful. There are ingredients to having and sustaining an awesome life and to ending the year with a bang. My short list of suggestions between now and the end of the year:

1) Sweat your ass off.
2) Let someone push you beyond where you’d normally stop.
3) Write down a long list of everything you accomplished this year and read it out loud to someone, be proud.
4) Write down your list of things you failed at this year and write anything you need to say about it to put it truly behind you. Read that out loud to someone, then BURN it.
5) Call your coach for a butt-whoopin’ (or hire a coach.)

Who’s willing to take this on between now and the end of the year? Any takers? How about just a few on the list? Please write in and inspire others with your experience of the results!


P.S.- Join the teleseminar Mastering Time and we’ll help you organize yourself, plan brilliantly and most important, feel more joy and success in everyday activities as well as your most heart-felt endeavors.