We Heart Humans Having Fun | Handel Group

We Heart Humans Having Fun

Are your dancing shoes a little dusty? Has your freak flag been flying at half mast? What happened to your 21-year old, out till 3AM, dancing the night away, higher (figuratively!!) self?!

Like most people, aging comes with new adventures and new ways to have fun … like golf or bridge ….? Wait — there is no need to act like your 90 years old, the sister’s are in to tell you exactly how to be your most fun self in 2019. With tips on how to rally the troops (a.k.a. your friends whose kids always seem to be sick on Saturdays), how to plan an epic night out, how to get to Europe this year, and even how to dance like nobody’s watching! And don’t worry, you don’t have to pick just one, this year, you can DO IT ALL and have the most adventurous year yet. What is your next adventure?

Lauren and Marnie

P.S. Learn to Human Better with Inner.U, our online coaching course that gives you the tools to do this life thing a little better. Inner.U is 12 virtual sessions with Lauren Zander which includes 1 free private coaching session with an HG coach, a Promise Tracker, and a Buddy System to keep you accountable. You in?

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