What It Takes to be a Handel Coach | Handel Group

What It Takes to be a Handel Coach


Only very special people become Handel Group® coaches. I don’t know if you’ve heard of the custom (I learned it from Sex and the City) that if someone is trying to convert to Judaism, the rabbi is supposed to reject them three times and only teach them if their earnestness is proven by the fact that they keep coming back. It’s a little bit like this at Handel in that only the very determined survive.

We aren’t a training mill. Training coaches is not our business; Coaching is. That said, our coach training program is distinctly rigorous and we only train people to coach for HG. We’re still a relatively small company, so no one is locked into a specific or assured career path either. Plus there’s the reality of our low graduation rate. Just because a CIT (coach in training) goes through our program, it doesn’t mean they’ll become a coach. If they don’t pass our assessments, they can’t become one. And because we require coaches to “walk the talk” of the method, this can feel like a VERY high and sometimes subjective bar. If a CIT doesn’t hit the mark, they can’t walk away and teach our method on their own or through some lower-standard coaching company.

Our methodology is unique and protected. It’s a risk, but trainees take it on fully aware, because they understand if they can get trained to “walk the talk” The Handel Method® teaches, it will not only lead to a great career, but also to an excellent life.

What does “walk the talk” of our method mean?

• It means we are actively dreaming in our lives and dealing with all the areas of our lives: money, health, body, love, family, spirituality, bad habits, etc.

• It means we are dedicated to rooting out the antics of the “brat” and the “chicken” in our daily lives and being consistently happy and powerful.

• It means we design the areas of our lives, aligning our highest ideals with our plans and with our execution.

• It means not only do we clean up all past lies, but we also endeavor to live an honest life with all people, and when we slip, we ‘fess up.

• It means we believe we can shape our own personalities and we consciously work to “leash” negative traits that get in our way. We believe human beings can change and we prove it with our own lives. We cop to and control our bad habits.

• It means we do a complete inventory of our lives and go back over anything that didn’t sit right and set it straight. This means at least a year’s worth of work on studying and understanding our choices, owning up, telling the truth, research, letter writing and various other forms of sharing.

• It means we deal head on with our problems with our parents, siblings and ex-spouses. We resolve all the issues, so we can better understand them and ourselves, in order to be free to be who we always wanted to be.

• Of course we also have to demonstrate mastery in teaching and practicing the methodology and all of its exercises. We do this by practicing with our peers and then test clients and we keep going until each CIT has proven their coaching abilities. We start with college students from MIT or Stanford, where Handel teaches, and then we move on to working with clients who need a lower-cost option than our regular coaches.

I guess I am just feeling darn proud of the coaches right now. As you suspected, there aren’t that many of them, and because of the recent surge in interest we’ve experienced thanks to the Elle article, Experience Life cover and True Life episode on MTV, many of our coaches are FULL!! Luckily, we have some ripe, new trainees about to enter the phase where they can take on clients.

This dovetails nicely with the fact that many people have asked for lower cost options recently. We dream of having something for everyone and for the next 20 new customers who’ve never done Private Coaching with us, we have low cost coaches available who offer stints of six-months of coaching at less than half the price of our regular staff coaches. See below for more details. If you are inspired to learn more about our coach training program and you’re feeling hearty, click here for our FAQ.

Happy Spring,

Low Cost Private Coaching
We know not everyone can afford our regular one-on-one rates, that’s why we’re offering $80 per hour private coaching to the next 20 new customers who’ve never done Private Coaching with us.

How do we do it? 
At the Handel Group®, it takes two years (or more) of rigorous training to become one of our staff coaches. (Many coaching companies train their people in a few weeks!) We are utilizing our top CITs (coaches-in-training) to bring this offer to you. As always, the coaching you receive is professional, valuable and consistent with the Handel Method®.

Please inquire or register by contacting us: coach@handelgroup.com or (800) 617-7040.