Life Coach Laurie Gerber discusses parenting best practices.

You Do You, and Let Them Be Them

Oh the best-intentioned wishes and hopes we hold for our children!

It’s part of the surrender of motherhood, isn’t it?

We hope our children will be happy and healthy, but in actual fact, we have a pretty clear idea on what that looks like.

And it’s no different for ourselves.

Have you ever thought that the key to loving your child just as they are, and accepting whatever it is they want to do with their life, begins with loving and accepting yourself?

Yes, it sounds obvious – but nothing this week’s podcast guest says is obvious.

Laurie Gerber is a head coach for the Handel Group – one of the world’s leading coaching groups.

And she’s a mama who’s been through a lot of her own inner identity work to come to the place of true surrender and acceptance of herself – and her children.

This conversation will have you letting go of the perfectionism you’re holding for everyone in your life a little more, and invite you to see: you do you, and let them be them.