Campowerment Circle: Dating These Days | Handel Group


Friday, July 17th
Led by Kimberly Cabot
Director of Sales, Senior Executive Life Coach

Campowerment Circle: Dating These Days 

Single during quarantine? It definitely has its perks, but if this pandemic has served to remind many you that you don’t want to fly solo anymore, and your time has come to find yourself an amazing partner, then this Circle is for you.

Dating during Coronavirus is no joke. But many people are finding ways to really connect and get to know each other, without hooking up (or even meeting in person)! If you’re seriously ready to find love online, whether you’re already doing the swipe thing, dating via Zoom or you’ve yet to put your toe into the water, let’s talk about upping the ante.

Bring your questions, as Kimberly will guide the conversation, and help you ask for what you want by finding your authentic voice, which might actually help you find your person!

Space is limited.

60 mins
Donation-based (Pay what you can)