Design Your Life, Don't Forget the Fun | Handel Group


Monday, July 15
Led by Laurie Gerber
Head Coach

Are you ready to take on something really important this summer–YOU? As in, the YOU who yearns for adventure, learning, challenge … or just plain FUN? If you’re ready to take on what can be one of the most satisfying and fulfilling areas of life (when it’s designed well!), join Head Coach Laurie Gerber for this no-holds barred, narrative-changing, Design Your Life, Don’t Forget FUN workshop. In this 2 hour workshop, Laurie will teach you how to dream in the area of life we call “Fun and Adventure.” She’ll show you what’s in the way of your dreams, and get you into the right actions to realize every last one of them. If you’re ready to do the work, this workshop will help shatter the glass ceiling to help you realize your dreams of travel or learning something new this summer.


Not in NYC? Livestream the event here: