DYL for Creatives – Tele-Course Oct 11 2016 | Handel Group


January 2, 2016
Led by Handel Group
Being an artist/designer takes an unusual amount of mojo and courage EVERY DAY!
Are you feeling as powerful as you wish you were?
Do you know you can impress yourself everyday?
Is it time to get better habits of effectiveness and integrity ingrained forever?
Join HG Senior Life Coach Hildie Dunn and artist Amy Butler of Amy Butler Design for a powerful 4-week creative course featuring a strong focus on bold actions, conquering fear and getting results. You will decide what you want for yourself while you dismantle the excuses and justifications that stopped you before. We will teach you to dream big, debunk your negative theories, and keep your promises, so you can have what you always wanted. This course is limited in size so that you are insured individual attention.


Schedule a Consultation and get your questions answered!