Honestly Healthy :: Live NYC | Handel Group


April 20, 2016
Led by Handel Group

In this day and age it’s easy to stray from your best intentions and blame work, the kids, time, your age, your genes and/or stress for why you aren’t at your healthiest. It’s time to squash (butternut?) those excuses, take back your health and get the results you’ve always wanted. Come to this 2-hour intimate conversation on designing your health with Dr. Mark Hyman, nine-time #1 New York Times bestselling author, and Life Coach, Lauren Handel Zander, Chairwoman and Co-Founder of Handel Group. They will discuss the importance of taking care of yourself and living with Personal Integrity®, the aligning of your head (a plan), your heart (what you want) and your body (your actions).  Dr. Hyman will also share his personal experience working with Lauren and the impact coaching has had and continues to have on his life.

You will walk away from this event inspired to, once and for real, take care of your whole self and live a life of which you are entirely proud.

Schedule a Consultation and get your questions answered!