Managing Time - Time Warp | Handel Group

Time Warp

What if TIME really is just a jump to the left…and then a step to the right? 


For those of you who are neither in your 50s, nor have ever seen the 70’s cult classic film The Rocky Horror Picture Show, and don’t know the Time Warp dance I’m referring to, buckle up. I’m about to share with you my latest revelation about time, our current dance with it, and its warp-ability.

Don’t worry.  It shouldn’t take too long…

We humans are certainly an interesting lot when it comes to a lot of things. But, when it comes to TIME (and managing time), many of us are at great odds with it. It’s even worse than that. We’re not only in denial about our limited time here, but according to science we use the time we DO have usurping 80% of our 12,000-60,000 daily thoughts on negative things. 95% of which are repeated from the day before!

You do the math.  How martyr-dumb of us is that?!

Given what odd ducks we are about time, I’ve spent a ton of my own developing the right hacks to help us get a handel on it. I have clients write their dreams/highest ideals for each of the 12 Areas of Life and time is, of course, one of them. In their dream for it, I have my clients figure out exactly who and how they want to be about time. I have them put in the right promises about it, and then I have them put their life in ACTUAL time (and a calendar!). All the while having them get conscious of all their negative thoughts, beliefs, and theories about time in order for them to see what they’ve ACTUALLY been busy spending their time unconsciously proving.

What negative thoughts, beliefs, and theories, you ask? 

Oh my, where to begin? From I’m not a morning person, to I need 7-8 hours of sleep to, there isn’t enough time in the day, to work takes up too much of my time, to I have to put others before me, to the kids/computer/Netflix sucked me in, etc

We’re what I call “weather reporters” about time, reporting on it like IT’s happening to us. We can be good with IT, great with IT, bad with IT, used to be good with IT (a.k.a. before kids), victims of IT, procrastinators, brats and liars about IT, and so on. And, no matter how much work I’ve done on myself and you regarding time, I find that most of us could still use more marriage counseling sessions with it (not to mention, a much larger, sexier vocabulary around it), as our relationship to time, at the moment, is far from hot, romantic, inspired, or creative. 

MYSELF, included. 

Although, guess what areas of my life I happen to be the most magical with about time? The areas I don’t really care about…like my art. I mean, of course I care about my art, BUT not to the level I care in all CAPS about, let’s say, oh, I don’t know…the company I co-founded!!!! 

WTF (Finances!), right?

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So, when I started thinking about the concept of time warp and wondering what must my own thoughts, theories, and beliefs be, given that my company’s results were great, but not out of the box insane, I went digging where I have you dig…into my own subconscious. I figured I’d discover some hidden disappointment or sadness. Except, I didn’t. What I discovered instead was even more alarming to me: time was exactly what I thought it was…and what’s that?

A noun. 

A thing that is linear, constant, and consistent. Like gravity. And like gravity, it exists and is measurable: you know, there are 24 hours in a day, 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, etc. Seemingly leaving you and I no choice but to act accordingly, and either be good with time the noun, bad with IT, ignore IT, nonchalant about IT, and so on. 

But then I realized something else, IT’s simply not true.  

After all, people throughout history have had a completely different relationship to time than it simply being a constant. From Nelson Mandela, who, in one lifetime, ended apartheid, came out of jail, and became president. To Steve Jobs, who, at 20, dropped acid, said he’d be bigger than Gandhi, and, in his short lifetime (56 years) just might have been (you vote!). To many more humans – both heroic and horrific – who were maniacal in their mission, warped time, and accomplished lifetimes’ worth of feats. 


They obviously had a way different relationship to and perception of time than most of us. They pointed far and wide, said out of the box crazy sh*t, believed what they said, and acted accordingly. Time was in no way just a noun, a constant, or an impediment to them like it was for me in certain areas. It was their toy. Their verb to play with at will. And, clearly, they were playing with different odds than many of us. Here I was, betting within 5% of what I wanted for HG… Woo hoo. Tell the co-founder what she won…Answer: Exactly what she was thinking, saying, and believing.


Sure, HG was keeping 95-100% of my target…problem was, my target was 100% consistent with my own linear logic regarding time and creating a 15-20% yearly increase, but not a 100% increase. 

In other words, I was the problem, not time. 

You see, if time were really just like gravity, then the only thing you and I could do is to surrender to it vs. have to step up and get down and dirty with it, play with it, invent it, cause it, have magic around it; and, yes, warp it. 

Except, isn’t time our own invention? 

A construct WE created to deal (or not deal) with our own demise? Why, then, can’t we turn time – like HG did with “to human” and “love”- into a verb? A verb we can, in turn, f*ck with in the best and riskiest of ways and make more things happen because we, its inventors, invented new vocabulary, created new theories, and lived and died to prove those new theories true?!  

We can. I am. 

The minute (ha), I started screaming an out of the box, wild, and seemingly (to me!) illogical target for Handel to reach and fully believed that there was no such thing as time the noun, I could game the linear system that I manufactured in the first place! The power was back where it belongs, in my hands and I could think, speak, act, and, yes, dance accordingly. CARE to dance with me? 

Remember: IT’s just a jump to the left and a step to the right (as in accurate).  



P.S. Inner.U is a 12 session online course that gives you the tools to hack into your own life, hone your dreams, and have every last thing you want in the areas that matter most to you: CAREER, MONEY, LOVE, TIME, FAMILY, and HEALTH. Do this life thing better from wherever, whenever.