Memories from Wake Up Your Week | Handel Group

Memories from Wake Up Your Week

I want to take you on a little walk down memory lane. I recommend bringing closure to important endeavors in your life by sharing about them. For me, Wake Up Your Week was (and is) an incredibly unique experiment in human development.

Just about a year ago, I started leading this weekly teleseminar on Mondays at noon. There were a few reasons I wanted to do it. First, I wanted an affordable option for people to receive weekly live coaching and support, assignments and accountability throughout the week. Second, as always, I wanted to make sure clients were making actual positive shifts and getting real results in their lives; having relationships over a long time makes that possible. Many people have stayed the whole year, others have come for short stints and gone, others have come and gone and come back again. I love that flexibility. My third reason was, I wanted to make sure I started my week in a good mood!

Mission accomplished and so much more. Here are some highlights.

In May, we worked on Body, and I finally dealt with a skin condition I had been avoiding for months. This put me on a self-love odyssey that lasted the rest of the year. (Read that story on Positively Positive.)

In June, we handled Time and overhauled our schedules. We tracked what we actually were doing with our time and were shocked to find how inefficient we were. We made our relationships with Time spiritual and started designing our days for optimal presence and productivity.

Over the summer, we had a ball taking down our Negative Traits. We got down and dirty with our dark sides and found acceptance; the community support that Wake Up Your Week provides was crucial here. Out of the dark came the light: we made artistic renditions of positive traits and played a game of living those instead. I remember one very cool looking “trait card” with Shira, princess of power on it. Having upgraded our behavior, we moved on to some still-needed work in Relationships. You see, our communities were used to seeing us one way, and we wanted them to welcome us newly, so we had to have some difficult conversations. We saw amazing breakthroughs in the workplace and at home.

A lot of new people joined when we tackled Career in the fall. That was about the time I decided to truly mourn not getting the TV show that I had wanted, and emerge a much stronger dreamer. Others increased their business results, and worked on defining their career goals and had transformative positive conversations with their bosses. That flowed into working on Money. I was really impressed by people taking on both asking for more and dealing responsibly with debt and bad decisions. With denial pushed aside, a brighter future became available for all of us. This launched me into an end of the year mission to make up for some financial losses, that paid off in spades. I’ll never get over the power of the mastermind. So much more helpful, than my mind, left alone.

In the new year, we worked on family and clutter! It was the most revolutionary work we did in terms of the total change in people we witnessed. I got to watch several very resitstant participants rekindle relationships with family members, relationships that they were going to leave for dead. I got to hear about and cheer on people as they changed entire “life stories” simply by cleaning out rooms. I’ll let them explain below.

WUYW has changed my world profoundly. I’ve created a closeness with my family that never existed before. Instead of seeing each other once a year, we talk several times a week and make plans regularly. I now consider them friends and I look forward to seeing them! Through tackling my personal space I’ve created a new relationship with every area of my life. When I’m home, I feel true gratitude for my space and my life whereas before it felt like a burden.  I cleaned out a closet that I avoided for 6 years. With it I cleaned out old beliefs, theories and traits. I learned so much about my heritage that it was a true blessing. My personal relationship has also benefited. We talk more then we ever did. I feel more connected to this man because I’m no longer afraid to tell the truth. Laurie and the HG staff have created a fun and easy format for lasting change. ~ Rachel

Prior to beginning my work with WUYW, my relationship with my Dad was nonexistent.  We had, literally, not communicated in a decade. What little relationship I did have with my Mother was dwindling quickly. Laurie and Molly brought the concepts of bravery, integrity, honesty and accountability sharply into focus for me, and allowed me to tackle the areas of my life that were collecting dust.
I have taken charge of my personal space and I am taking special care to make sure that it accurately reflects who I am and who I aspire to be. I have been communicating frequently and sweetly with both my Mom and my Dad. This work has allowed for a tremendous amount of beauty and clarity in my relationship with my husband, my children, and myself. I am filled with awe and reverence for this work. With Love and Gratitude, Amy

My dream is to have you join in the fun this year. On April 8th we’re going to start from the top again. Of course, it won’t be exactly the same; it never is, we follow the needs of the group. But what will remain the same is:

  1. The great flexibility, price and community.
  2. The focus on action and results.
  3. The fact that we will start new areas of life each month. In April, we’re doing “choose your own” areas, so we can get back to basics.

Sound awesome? It is. Any questions?


P.S.- Join Wake Up Your Week now! Come hear what you have to teach and learn from others! You’re the perfect addition to our group.

TWEET OF THE WEEK: Bring closure to important endeavors in your life by sharing about them. Shout out your missions accomplished!
