NYC EVENT: The 3H’s Guide™ to Finding the One | Handel Group


6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
October 25, 2018
Led by Laurie Gerber
Head Coach

For those of you who are TRULY done playing blind man’s bluff when it comes to finding love, join Laurie Gerber, Head Coach of HG Life, for this hot and heated two-hour live event on our wildly honest, BS-free, dating method: The 3H’s Guide to Finding the One.

In this lively, unabashed event you will investigate which of the 3H’s—the Head, Heart, or Hoo-ha—you leave high and dry. You’ll also learn to end self-sabotaging dating patterns as well as design a new plan for finding love—for real. Because now you’ll be equipped with the means to happily deal with the 4th H: the hunt.