Personal Integrity During Times of Chaos | Handel Group


3:00-4:00 PM ET
Thursday, April 23rd
Led by Laurie Gerber
Head Coach

Have your thoughts and actions gone (understandably) off-road recently? Even in normal times, we aren’t always wise as to how often we go dark inside our own heads. Not to mention the fact that we have little clue as to where our (inner) light switch is on an average day. So imagine NOW!

In this talk, Laurie Gerber, Head Coach of Handel Group Life Coaching, will offer up top tips for managing your mind and getting yourself into the right actions each and every day during this time. It all starts with Personal Integrity — learning to keep a promise to yourself.

WELCOA is hosting live expert discussions on the impact of COVID-19 on work! During these free webcasts, President Ryan Picarella will do a deep dive with subject matter experts who have updates, resources and inside knowledge about this pandemic. We are here to help all employers, employees and community members during this difficult time and encourage you to ask your questions live! The good news is you only have to register once and you’re set for the entire series! You’ll receive reminders in the days leading up to a new pop-up episode. You can also find a full listing of upcoming events and additional resources at

**This special WELCOA Pulse series is free and open to the public so we encourage you to forward this registration link to your network in hopes of virtually supporting as many in our community as we can.