Show me the Money: How to Have Hard Conversations About Money with General Assembly Chicago | Handel Group


2:30 – 4PM ET
Monday, March 8th
Led by Chrisa Zindros
Executive Coach

Show me the Money: How to Have Hard Conversations about Money

Despite the progress that has been made over the last few decades, women as a whole still get paid less than men. 81c* on the dollar, to be exact.

So, what is the deal? Why hasn’t the pay gap been officially closed?

For starters, many of us humans feel uncomfortable discussing money (thanks mom, dad…society!). Then, for those of us who finally work up the courage to ask, when our proposal doesn’t get taken seriously or we don’t get the “yes” that we wanted, we can quickly retreat, accepting defeat, versus standing in our truth and advocating for the salary that we deserve.

Learning how to speak up and hold your ground in the face of a challenge, especially around “sensitive” topics like money, can be difficult to say the least. Skills like how to do the research, build the case for your request, and knowing how to navigate a hard conversation (or human) effectively can make all the difference.

From getting your mind under new management to structuring the conversation and dealing with rejection, this event will help you to successfully navigate asking for equal pay.

You will walk away with the following: – Strategies for researching and preparing for the conversation – Communication techniques for uncomfortable situations – A framework and steps for how to design hard conversations – Tips for dealing with rejection – Techniques to hold yourself (and your boss) accountable