Vanessa Coppola | Handel Group

Staff Coach

Vanessa Coppola

When Vanessa came to Handel Group as a Coach in Training in 2015, she quickly fell in love with the company’s culture of honesty and humor. It didn’t take long for Vanessa to join the operations side of the team to mastermind the systems that keep Handel Group thriving from the inside out. As a recovering “people pleaser,” Vanessa learned that telling her truth and designing her time in accordance with her deepest desires is the hack to her happiness. She became an HG Coach in 2018 and enjoys championing her clients to live a beautifully designed life they’re proud of.

Vanessa has always had a thing for understanding the mechanics of how humans and communities work. With an undergraduate degree in Anthropology from Wesleyan University in Connecticut, Vanessa embarked on her journey to change the world, beginning with a 10 year stint in education. From nursery school through universities, Vanessa specialized in building programs to empower students, teachers, and communities. She earned her MS in Ecological Teaching and Learning from Lesley University in 2010, and quickly put her degree to work in building a residential school for 10th grade girls on the Maine coast. After taking a few years at home with her first child, Vanessa returned to her love of transforming the lives of her employees, colleagues, and clients through The Handel Method and the power of Personal Integrity.

As a former workaholic, Vanessa particularly enjoys working with people to master their time and get insanely proud of their relationship to themselves, their career, and their family. She lives in Grantham, New Hampshire with her hubby, Bobby, and two sons, Callan & Bo. The clan spends their time playing in the woods, figuring out how to grow vegetables, boxing in their basement gym, and mastering the air guitar during, but not limited to, their kitchen dance parties. Lifetimes ago, when not charged with changing humanity, community, and academia, Vanessa was an All-American lacrosse player, spent two years traveling the country in a retrofitted bus, and ran the Umstead Trail Marathon (just once).