Tag Archives: Marriage

How To Save a Marriage

Testimonial for Inner.U by Robert Quiroz. For so long, I have been struggling in my life, battling my own disappointment in myself. It seemed no matter how much effort I put in to improve my life, I kept stumbling, making the same mistakes over and over again. Inner.U changed my life. What I realized by […]

How to Get Your Marriage Mojo Back

These days, marriages, long term partnerships, whether business or familial, typically end. If, however, they do manage to last, most are pretty uninspired or, at best, a slight upgrade of our parents’ relationship. For example, if our parents never touched publicly, we, on the other hand, might hold hands with our partners. Or if our […]

Why My Husband Won’t Cheat on Me

Did you just roll your eyes at the title? Or, better yet, did you just Google-search me to see who the heck am I that I can be so arrogant as to not only state that my husband wouldn’t cheat on me, but to put it in print? I mean how could I be so […]

Failing at Love? 4 Spiritual Lessons to Learn

Press pause for a moment … on your work deadlines, on your kid’s school schedules, on your holiday plans, on whatever device is ringing and buzzing. How is your love life doing lately? How’s your heart? If you’re single, do you find that you’re not happy with the partners you keep attracting? If you’re coupled, […]

Scheduling Sex: The Secret to a Passionate Marriage?

(Click here to read an original op-ed from the TED speaker who inspired this post.) For most of us, keeping passionate love and hot sex alive in a long-term committed relationship is one of our deepest longings. We all want it, and yet most of us have a hard time believing it’s possible or figuring […]

How to Be An Irresistable Man

We all know the cliché that women like jerks, but let’s peel back the layers. What does this mean for the committed long-term relationships we want to improve with time? Men, I am going to attempt to show you how to be irresistible to a woman you want to stay with forever, and with whom […]

My Love Letter to My Husband

Dear Will, Valentine’s Day is coming and I’ve been thinking about why I love you. It’s indescribable, but I’ll try. I love you mainly because you are you, because we “grew up” together, because you have stood by us through thick and thin and because you are such a wonderful father to our children. It’s […]

A Plug For Monogamy And How To Keep It

If you are in a committed relationship, I suggest you tell your partner when you are flirting with someone else. And certainly, if you are cheating. That is, if you want the relationship to be deep, loving, connected and lasting. But actually even if you don’t. I’ll explain why below. I know what you’re thinking: […]

What’s Killing Your Relationships

Why do relationships deteriorate over time? What causes people to disconnect and drift apart? I’m not just talking about intimate relationships between married couples and partners; I’m talking about all relationships. What is causing this epidemic of disconnection? Why can’t we maintain a deep connection with the people in our lives? I’ll tell you why. It’s because […]