Author Archives: Katie Torpey

Do you think diet, pool, and suit are four-letter words?

I used to love summer. Every Memorial Day weekend, the pool we belonged to would open up and I’d put on my one-piece Speedo and happily go play. Summer afternoons passed slowly. I ate popsicles and went off the diving board. Life was good. Then, I turned eleven. And I slowly started to hate summer. […]

How I got happy, healthy and half my size

It was in the spring of 2005 when I hit rock bottom in my life. I was a married screenwriter/filmmaker living in Los Angeles. I had written a movie that was about to be released on 2,000 screens across the country. You would think my life would have been great. It wasn’t. I was 5’5″ […]

It’s Not What You Eat, It’s What’s Eating You.

I loved and loathed my summers growing up on the east coast. Why? Oh, that’s easy: bathing suits. Every Memorial Day weekend, the pool we belonged to would open up for the summer and I’d put on my one-piece Speedo and happily go play. That was until, I turned eleven and well, I came to […]

Leashing My Lucy

Up until 8 years ago, I was one of those people who struggled with their weight their entire life. I was a yoyo, up and down. I’d put on weight, lose it, and then put it back on. I read a ton of diet books and dabbled in each diet/exercise program, but inevitably, I’d cheat, […]

How I Stopped Eating My Feelings

Greetings from an awesome summer time! This is my first summer living in my new house on the lake, and I’ve been relishing afternoons on the water and time in the sun (with sunscreen, of course!). It’s from a place of pride and self-love that I can recall – many years and 130 pounds ago – a time in […]

How I Dropped 8 Excuses in 1 Week!

Many of you know me as someone who has been coached by the Handel Group and gotten healthy and learned how to manage my weight over the past 7 years. Well, guess what? I have a confession to make! Currently, I’m selling out again. Here’s the scoop: One snowy afternoon in late January, I opened […]

Rock Your Body in 2015!

I was driving in my car the other day and heard on the radio that the number one New Year’s resolution people are making this year is to lose weight and exercise more. Not so surprising, right? IT WAS MY NUMBER ONE NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION FOR YEARS. Every year at this time since my twenties, […]

Don’t Give Up!

WHAT DREAM ARE YOU SECRETLY GIVING UP ON RIGHT NOW? I bet there is one. Don’t worry, you are not alone. We all do it and half the time we don’t even realize we’re quitting on a dream. How do I know? Because a few months ago, I almost gave up on a dream that […]

You Don’t Have to be Fat Anymore

When I was in grade school, I came to the conclusion that there were two types of people in the world: lucky people and unlucky people.  You were either rich or poor. Fat or thin. Attractive or ugly. Talented or untalented. You were either in one camp or the other.  There was no in between. […]

Are You a Nice-aholic?

If you have been reading my blogs over the past few years, you know that I’m a juggler of addictions. In my 30s, I was obese and used food as an escape until I got a HG Life Coach and learned how to put a leash on my vices, create dreams in my life and […]

Whats Your Addiction?

I got caught with another addiction. Now this isn’t really a new addiction. I’ve had it so long that it’s basically part of my personality and people just consider it to be a “Katie trait”. But it had become obvious enough to the people around me that it landed me in the middle of an […]