Tag Archives: Body

How I got happy, healthy and half my size

It was in the spring of 2005 when I hit rock bottom in my life. I was a married screenwriter/filmmaker living in Los Angeles. I had written a movie that was about to be released on 2,000 screens across the country. You would think my life would have been great. It wasn’t. I was 5’5″ […]

The Four Month Flurry

It’s almost Labor Day Weekend, which means summer is sadly winding down and autumn is right around the corner. In the next two weeks, we’ll really start to feel the change. Kids will be back at school. The leaves will begin to turn and just like that, we’re entering the last part of the year. […]

Grow Up and Get Healthy

I have a confession to make. Ready? I can be a bit of a baby when it comes to being a grown up about my health. You know, like making (and going) to annual doctor appointments, stretching before running, drinking a ton of water (does the water in coffee count?), etc. Don’t get me wrong. […]

Cut the Crap.

Many of us love to eat crap. Pizza. Sugar. Sweets. Fried food, etc. The list is endless. And, just so you know, I get it. I was once a size 14 and happily spent many nights in my twenties, eating a pile of spaghetti and washing it down with a pint of ice cream. Those […]

Mind over Matter: Think Yourself Healthy

by Mark Hyman, MD 9-time NY Times Best-Selling Author and Leader in Functional Medicine We all have heard of the mind-body effect that says suggestions, desires, beliefs, expectations and fears influence what people experience. We all know that thoughts and feelings affect our health. And, we all know that stress is bad for us. I […]

It’s Not What You Eat, It’s What’s Eating You.

I loved and loathed my summers growing up on the east coast. Why? Oh, that’s easy: bathing suits. Every Memorial Day weekend, the pool we belonged to would open up for the summer and I’d put on my one-piece Speedo and happily go play. That was until, I turned eleven and well, I came to […]

Leashing My Lucy

Up until 8 years ago, I was one of those people who struggled with their weight their entire life. I was a yoyo, up and down. I’d put on weight, lose it, and then put it back on. I read a ton of diet books and dabbled in each diet/exercise program, but inevitably, I’d cheat, […]

4 Holiday Budget Musts!

When you think of a budget, your first thought is probably about your wallet. But did you know that there are other currencies you can spend, save, splurge, and budget? The currencies of life are anything that is used as a medium of exchange. You give one thing, you get another. Currencies of your life […]

My Holiday Food Promise

It’s that time of year … the marathon between Halloween and Christmas. Take notice of the availability of holiday treats in all the places you go – dishes of candy at the office, gift-wrapped boxes of cookies, bottles of wine at parties and dinners out. Even in your own home, foods you don’t normally eat […]

For Those Who ALMOST Went to the Gym Today

Listen to these 3 variations on a theme: “That piano in the living room has been sitting untouched for months. I’m gonna start playing again.” “I’ll pick it up again when my schedule is less busy and I have more time to practice” “Starting September 1st, I promise to play the piano for one hour, […]

How I Stopped Eating My Feelings

Greetings from an awesome summer time! This is my first summer living in my new house on the lake, and I’ve been relishing afternoons on the water and time in the sun (with sunscreen, of course!). It’s from a place of pride and self-love that I can recall – many years and 130 pounds ago – a time in […]